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Greens, fruit, vegan products

Explore a world of culinary creativity with our selection of premium equipment, tailored to embrace the diversity of fruits and vegetables, support sustainable vegan production and elevate sauces to unimagined heights of taste and enjoyment.

Frukt og grønt - illustrasjonsbilde

Verdens nyhet- BioDtex

Biofilmer dannet av mikroorganismer utgjør betydelige utfordringer innen næringsmiddelindustrien samt horeka.  BioDtex, som bruker avansert UVA-teknologi er spesielt utviklet for å oppdage biofilmene.  Den gir umiddelbare resultater og sikrer dermed høye standarder for hygiene og sikkerhet.  BioDtex sitt tilpassede UVA-lys hjelper med å avsløre biofilmer ved bruk av spesifikk bølgelengde. Denne lysreaksjonen tillater direkte og presis visuell påvisning av forurensede områder.  BioDtex er designet for enkel og intuitiv bruk. Den er bærbar og lett, og tilpasser seg de fleste bruksområder.

Picture og BioDtex in use

Discover the power of Grasselli's ground-breaking machines

Grasselli's machines are designed to streamline the processing process, ensure efficiency and maintain the natural quality of fruit and vegetables. With advanced specifications and innovative functions, Grasselli's machines are the perfect solution for portioning and cutting fruit and vegetables.

Graselli salad machine

Günther preserves quality with advanced technology at the forefront

Vegetarian and vegan products have long been more than just an option; they continue to be a growing market and Günther has excellent expertise. For processes such as mixing salads, guacamole, processing meat substitutes, adding spices and other similar processes, Günther has the right equipment.

Gunther maschinenbau logo
gpa tumbler fra gunther maschinenbau

Fortress Technology guarantees security to end users

Fortress Technology is a global leader in the custom design, manufacture and sale of metal and X-ray detectors, as well as checkweighing systems, developed with an exclusive Never Obsolete warranty.

Fortress technologies machine

Poly-clip endless clip solutions

The limits of clipping are far from being reached for Poly-clip. Whether it is herb butter, mozzarella, soups, marinades, tofu products or mussels, fruit and vegetables: the potential applications for Poly-clip machines in the food sector are far from exhausted. We help you find the right clip solution for your product. The high quality you expect from Poly-clip products is also guaranteed here - "Excellence in Clipping".

Poly Clip system logo

Promar's innovative taste solutions

Promar has products that are not only aimed at customers in the meat industry. Promar's solutions have worked excellently in other parts of the food industry. These are based on plant proteins, and use organic ingredients from GMO-free crops plus the reduction or complete elimination of allergens. The Vege Promar product range is based on proteins from legumes other than soybeans, mainly peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans and fava beans. High protein content and quality are just as important as the taste and texture of the products.

krydder fersk

Coveris packaging with knowledge

Coveris offers innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that protect and extend the life of the product.

grukt og grønnsaker og bær pakket med emballasje fra coveris

Podanfol creates individual technical solutions

Podanfol's intestinal performance and properties vary to suit a wide range of applications: cooked sauces, soups, as well as other foods.


Pujolas: Results and commitment to the food industry

With knowledge and over 35 years of experience, innovations and technological improvements, Pujolàs offers equipment for filling and clipping, pressing and forming, automation (including elevator for plastic boxes and stainless steel boxes) and cutting.

løftemaskin fra pujolas

Velati: 150 years of history, experience and innovation.

Velati offers machines for the production of vegetables and sauces. In recent decades, Velati has made inroads into the vegetable and sauce market by offering process lines for frozen preparations, such as mixed vegetable soup. Even in the field of sauces and pasta fillings, they have gained market share thanks to the application of new technologies.


Astor: your specialist for cutting tools for almost 30 years!

ASTOR manufactures and distributes blades and knives for food processing machines. The production range consists of knives and injection needles for internationally renowned manufacturers, but also for unknown or brand new machines. Astor has accumulated diverse specialist skills in blade production and machining of high alloy steel grades.

astor kniver

RF Systems: smart thermal processes

RF Systems designs and manufactures radio frequency machines for the food industry that increase and improve the efficiency of drying and heat treatment processes,reduce energy consumption and operating costs. RF Systems drying ensures fast and efficient moisture removal, increases durability and reduces production costs.

RF System
RF system maskin med skum