Red meat

Discover our wide selection of equipment, spices and other consumables, and high quality packaging, perfect for all your needs.

Rødt kjøtt med krydder på flate

Discover the power of Grasselli's ground-breaking machines

Grasselli's machines are designed to streamline the processing process, ensure efficiency and maintain the natural quality of the meat. With advanced specifications and innovative features, Grasselli's machines are the perfect solution for portioning, slicing and skinning of raw, cooked, boneless, bone-in or 'crust' frozen meat products.

Picture og BioDtex in use

Anolytech - bærekraftig desinfeksjon for trygg matproduksjon

Anolytech tilbyr en innovativ og bærekraftig løsning for desinfeksjon i næringsmiddelindustrien. Med sitt egenutviklede Anolyte-system produseres et kraftig, men miljøvennlig desinfeksjonsmiddel direkte på stedet – helt uten farlige kjemikalier.

Anolyte er effektiv mot bakterier, virus, sopp og biofilm, og sikrer høy hygiene i produksjonslokaler, maskiner og vannsystemer.

Oppdag kraften i Grassellis banebrytende maskiner

Grassellis maskiner er designet for å effektivisere foredlingsprosess, sikre effektivitet og opprettholde den naturlige kvaliteten til kjøttet. Med avanserte spesifikasjoner og nyskapende funksjoner er Grassellis maskiner den perfekte løsningen for porsjonering, skjæring og avskinning av rått, kokt, benfritt, med ben eller 'crust'-frossne kjøttprodukter.

Grasellig masking

Günther preserves quality with advanced technology at the forefront

Günther's machines for injecting, tumbling and marinating, use advanced technology to ensure freshness and quality of meat. With precise control and innovative functions, Günther machines preserve the natural flavors and textures of the meat, delivering outstanding results every time.

Gunther maschinenbau logo
Gunther Maschinenbau - kjøtt
Gunther maskin

Fortress Technology guarantees security to end users

Fortress Technology is a global leader in the custom design, manufacture and sale of metal and X-ray detectors, as well as checkweighing systems, developed with an exclusive Never Obsolete warranty.

Fortress technologies machine
Meat pump Fortress technology

Poly-clip: clip solutions and packaging machines

Discover Poly-clip's range of high-performance clip solutions designed to streamline your packaging process. With advanced functions and solid construction, Poly-clip ensures optimal efficiency and quality. The product and service system consists of clipping machines, packaging machines and automation, as well as consumables such as clips and loops.

Poly Clip system logo
Poly clip klipsemaskin
Polyclip pølse maskin oppheng av pølser på rad og rekke

Promar's specialized seasoning for meat

Experience Promar's innovative taste solutions for meat.

Promar logopromar - meat-industry
Promars krydder kjøtt

Coveris: packaging with knowledge

Coveris offers innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that protect and extend the life of the product. Coveris develops packaging that protects all types of products – from food to animal feed, from medical devices to industrial and agricultural goods. Through broad technical expertise, packaging from Coveris helps to reduce waste and resource use.


Podanfol creates individual technical solutions

Podanfol's casing performance and properties vary to suit a wide range of applications: cooked round sausages, cooked shaped meat products, animal feed, sausages and small diameter sausages, cheese, cured meats and smoked, cooked and raw sausages, as well as other foods.

Podanfol pakking

Pujolas: Results and commitment to the food industry

Pujolas' knowledge and over 35 years of experience provide innovations and technological improvements. The equipment delivers results that mimic the artisanal process while respecting quality and increasing profits.

Pujolas pakkemaskin

Astor: your cutting tool specialist for nearly 30 years!

ASTOR manufactures and distributes blades and knives for food processing machines. The production range consists of knives and injection needles for internationally recognized manufacturers, but also for unknown or completely new machines. Astor has built up diverse special skills in blade production and processing of high-alloy steel qualities.

Astor maskin skjæreverktøy

Discover Velati's meat processing and packaging solutions

Velati produces complete automated industrial lines for salami, mortadella and sausage production. Everything from grinders, choppers, mixers, dosing, and sausage stuffers/fillers.

Velati kjøtt og foredling pakkeløsning maskiner

RF Systems: smart thermal processes

RF Systems designs and manufactures radio frequency machines for the food industry that increase and improve the efficiency of drying and heat treatment processes, reduce energy consumption and operating costs. RF Systems drying ensures fast and efficient moisture removal, increases durability and reduces production costs.

RF System
RF system maskin med skum